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Nippers sessions return this Saturday!!!

It’s been a while, and the world has changed quite a lot, but at long last, we are re-launching our Nippers Group again for children aged between 5 – 7 years old.

Our first session is on Saturday morning 12th Sept from 9:00 – 10:00 AM.

Covid-19 Management

Because of Covid-19, we have had to make some changes to how we operate; safety and well-being are, and always will be our first priority. We want to make sure that players, parents and coaches all remain fit and healthy and that they all enjoy their football experience. You can access copies of our Covid-19 procedures and a risk assessment via the following links:

Please can you take time to read these and please brief your child before they come on such issues as the importance of handwashing etc.

This year we will be issuing all players with a number of playing bibs for the sessions. These will be your child’s to keep, and we ask you to take these with you at the end of the session and bring them back each week for your child to wear.

There will be hand sanitiser available, but we do ask that before every session that you and your child wash their hands before they arrive.


To start the sessions we have secured the services of Conrad Pope – one of our experienced coaches who is going to set up the sessions for the first few weeks, but we will be looking for some parental support to help. Conrad is a volunteer, but he won’t be able to undertake the sessions every week, so if a Mum or Dad would like to help out and put yourself forward as a potential helper or coach, then please mention it to Conrad on Saturday. We are limited on numbers, and there is a maximum student/coach ratio that if we exceed, we will have to reduce numbers or secure additional adult support to ensure all the children take part. Leek Wootton is a volunteer-based organisation; our subs are one of the lowest in the area, and we are only able to achieve this by the kind generosity of volunteers. So, please consider helping out if you can; there needs to be a degree of self-sufficiency with all of our age groups, including the Nippers.

Teamer Registration

As part of our Covid-19 management and to help with planning; this year we are employing an app called Teamer which we will ask you all to register with and confirm your child’s attendance each week. This helps with planning and will also assist with any Track and Trace activities we may need to adopt.

There is nothing to do yet, and Conrad will brief you more on this next Saturday, but thereafter we do ask you to register your child on this App.


We have incurred more costs as a result of our Covid-19 management, and we have purchased additional playing kit for the children to use, including new mini-goals. As a result, we do have to charge a little extra this year. Membership will be a one-off payment of £20 per child, and thereafter there is a £2 weekly ‘pay as you go’ fee which is to be collected each week.

For the first week there is no charge – bring your child, and if he/she enjoys the session then we will issue a parental consent form for you to complete and bring it with you for the second session (19th Sept) with your membership fee. After that, the £2 session fee will apply.

Boots & Shin Pads and Clothing

Children should always wear shin pads for safety reasons, and we do recommend boots if you can. We do have a box of old boots and shin pads which we will get out on Saturday, and if you would like a set, then please help yourself.

As well as the playing bibs you will receive please dress your child appropriately for the weather conditions.

Car Parking

Please use the bottom car park to the field which is signposted for the Village Hall.

We hope that you and your child enjoy our Nipper sessions and hopefully, you will feel an important part of the Leek Wootton family…


Paul Baigent


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